Charts and Graphs

Aug 09, 2011 09:23

Coworker A was talking about the Led Zeppelin song being about LotR.  I told him pretty much the entire album was about LotR, and the influence they had on Led Zep...

Coworker B is almost totally unfamiliar with Led Zeppelin and - true to form, intrepidly gets fully into the conversation anyway.  So while he is talking, Coworker A is calmly drawing something on a piece of paper.

He then holds it up to Coworker B.  It's a chart with Friend, Acquaintance, and I Don't Even Know You on the x-axis, time on the y-axis.  The line plummets off past the I Don't Even Know You line.

Coworker A: Dude, between never having seen Band of Brothers, and now this, you've gone from "Friend" to "I Don't Even Know You".  It doesn't get much lower than "I Don't Even Know You".

Graphs and visual aids are important.


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