Sorry about the delays in getting back to this kit. Here's the Cthulhu kit prepped and primed and ready to paint. Build-up was very straight-forward. The resin used in this kit is fairly flexible and a little forgiving. In the previous entry you might notice the kit comes with guide pins already on the parts. The holes needed drilled to receive them, then I ultimately had to cut off the pins off fairly short because the resin is so springy, but I expected that. I left enough there for guides and the assembly was quick. This guy is so small steel pins were not needed and parts were fixed in place with 5-minute epoxy.
The fit on the arms and tail were not perfect, but a little Apoxie Sclupt solved that problem. Minimal tooling and sanding was needed on the fills since the guy is so rugged. Just a wet finger to feather it in and done. There were very few mold lines or voids, so overall the casting was first-rate.
I primed it with my usual Krylon Automotive Primer, though if I had thought about it for a second longer I would have used the darker primer since this guy isn't going to see any flesh tones and will be fairly dark when finished.
Painting should be pretty conventional with little or no airbrushing but will require lots of layers for the effect I am looking for. Payne's Grey for the base coat...