Sci-Fi dream

Jun 01, 2012 13:37

I had a fantastic dream last night, I'm going to try and put it down here, what I can remember at least. Keep in mind I often dream in 3rd person and jumping from character to character

Setting: Current day but an aggressive aline species is invading the earth

Location: A park in the center of a small city

A young man is very attracted to a young woman and she in turn is very attracted to him. But there is something strange about her, something not quite right. Questions surround her. Where did she come from? How does she know so much about the alines? Why does she seem so different.

Suddenly the alines are attacking the couple along with other people in the area, they seem to be targeting the strange young woman. Everyone is running trying to find shelter. The woman leads them to a building nearby and they run into the basement, which is cavernous like a underground car park. The people demand to know what is going on. The woman confesses that the aliens are after her. She is in fact an alien herself, a princess/queen of another alien species that is at war with the aggressive one. She was sent to help the people of Earth, but the aliens want to stop her before she can.

That is about all that I remember besides some images of space ships and blue crystal like strictures.


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