I'm really getting back into the world of fanfic =) I'd forgotten how much fun it is.
I posted a few stories at sycophanthex.com - all ones that were already at ff.net, but I don't get much traffic there, of course. So far I've been really happy with the quality of fic at sycophant hex, so I'm glad to have my writing there (if it's accepted, of course!).
Fics posted:
Come Running, my surviving D/G fic. Posted at
http://theburrow.sycophanthex.com One Fine Day, possibly my favourite of all my stories. Posted at
http://serpensortia.sycophanthex.com Portraits of an Old Man, the only fanfic based on a story by Gabriel García Marquez that I am aware of anywhere. Of course, given that my 5-min google search didn't turn up my story either, it's possible that there are more of them out there. Posted at
http://chaos.sycophanthex.com They won't be up on the site for a few days. They're already up on
http://www.fanfiction.net/~foxglovechant , of course, but I highly recommend checking out
http://www.sycophanthex.com to anyone who has some time on their hands and isn't familiar with the site yet.
Wow, that was a lot of html tags. I'm done.
ETA: All the stories at Sycophant Hex are posted under the name Foxglove. And I really hope the html tags work this time.