
Oct 26, 2009 00:13

Mom called at around 9pm and left a message to caller her back. I did.  She told me that my dog died.

I adopted Andre about 9 years ago, he was about 3 years old at the time.  When I moved to Mechanicsburg it was no dogs allowed. I asked my brother, Jeremy, if he would adopt Andre.  He sorta said he would, but mostly it's been mom & dad taking care of him.  Buttons, our miniature schnauzer, has been good for Andre.

Andre was a buff american cocker spaniel.  He had a heart murmur and he was a happy, friendly dog.  Most of the time.  He was protective of me when I took him to the vet, which is funny.

When I adopted him he was very thin.  His legs shook.  The vet said the muscles in his legs were atrophied because the people I adopted him from kept him in his kennel too much.  He got stronger and put on weight.  He stopped flinching when I pet him and stopped cringing around men. If left alone too long he would chew his paws bloody, throw up or pee inappropriately.  All of that stopped when he went to live at my parent's house.  He flourished being a constant companion to mom & Buttons.

Andre was smarter than he pretended to be.  He was "fat, dumb & happy"... except he wasn't dumb or fat.  He liked to play with squeeky stuft animals and would carry his "precious" to bed with him.

And now he's gone. 
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