
Mar 19, 2004 20:52

OHHHH, I had fun last night (Thursday night) Chanel (YES THE GIRL I HATED), Robin, Shelly, my sister and I had so much fun. I love my girlfriends<3 I picked up Chanel, Robin and Shelly and we drove around, and went to Wal*Mart and bought hair dye, and took alot of pictures! After that we went back to my house and got freakin drunk! That was so fun, I havn't been drunk in so long. Hahaha. We all passed out at about 5 am. Ohh god. This morrning Robin, Chanel, Shelly and I went back into Lodi, and Robin, Shelly and I have been baby sitting all day, which was fun cause Robin's little cousin and sister are so damn cute! I love 2 year olds. I WANT ONE!! :o LOL j/k! But I feel so bad for Maddy, ause her mother and father always fight and what not, and they have to watch it. It's sad, but she has a great mother who doesn't need her fucked up father. Well, I don't know everything, but I know that Maddys mom is a good mom, and does everything for her kids, so that's good...

So, Chanel isn't that bad, she's actually pretty cool, we talked our difference out. I just told her if I hear of her talking anymore shit, then I will not be her friend, AGAIN. I'm sure we'll get along good from now on! I'm happy, cause she's hella fun to kick it with! LETS HOPE THERE IS NO MORE DRAMA.

Robin, you're my GIRL, I can't believe we got "PLAYED" what the FUCK is that? NO ONE CAN DO THAT TO US, CAUSE WE'RE TOO COOL. But don't worry, we're BOTH better than that. iLOVEu<3

ANYWAYSSSSSS.... HERE'S THE PICS! (I'm the one in the army green shirt, and the white tank top, and/or with the blue grey zip-up)

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