Mar 08, 2004 21:44
Hello :) Last night was fun! My sister and I had to go pick Tyler up from his friends house cause his friend was too drunk to take him home. Hahaha :o! On our way into Lodi, I was turning right onto a street, and some DIRTY mexicans were hella staring at us, and then followed us ALL THE WAY TO JACKS HOUSE! And as soon as we pulled in, my sister was on the phone with Tyler and Josh saying that some beaners are stalking us, and Josh comes out of he house like "where they at? I'm gonna kill them" (He's like, real gangster, and "down") LOL. It was hella funny cause I've never seen him like that. So anyways, we went back to Tyler's, then I took my sister home, and Tyler followed us home so I could go back with him. We went to bed really early, but oh well, I was happy just cuddling with him in bed :)
Today was fun, I guess. Tyler cooked us breakfeast, it was really good :) Eegs with cheese on toast. Yummy. Later that day I was laying down, and Tyler was just up and doing whatever, and 10 minutes later, I look out the window, and I see him driving off :( HE DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME HE WAS LEAVING! Butthead! So I had to wait around for my grandma to come get me. Hahaha. Now I'm at home, and I might be going out with Emily in a little bit, so I need to get ready :) WOOHOO. I'M ON SPRING BREAK! No school for 2 weeks<3 PARTY TIME :x