Aftercruise miscellania

Dec 05, 2008 17:27

Mister Darcy is...slightly heavier than he was before I left! bucko tells me that means he is getting comfortable here, and she also says that he definitely knows he is my cat. This makes me inexplicably and selfishly happy. Sometimes he lies across me with his paws curled up against his chest and closes his eyes in the happiest manner and purrs madly. He also likes to lie on the heater and look out of the window at the world going by below him. Last night, he slept in the sink, so I also have the joy of knowing that my cat is a sink cat. Right now he is curled around my head.

My back looks diseased. The sunburn has faded into irregular splotches of tan...around the lines of where a swimsuit WOULD be. Additionally, the sunscreen has cause other parts of would be swimsuit exposed skin to break out.

Now, I am off to dinner with saeculorum and esoterrica! I'm seeing Bolt later tonight with bucko. This weekend I shall be going to the Asian Art Musuem, making an ecard system with bucko for her work, submitting to the FHCRC and putting a keyword friendly resume up on job sites, and going to Zoolights...and their dreamland of GIANT SPIDERS. YAY.

mister darcy, i am disgusting

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