Author: Foxfire Inari
Prompt: 073 Blame
Title: Skirmish
Word Count: 181
Rating: K
Authors Note: I was just having a little fun with this one! I really do feel bad for the cabbage guy, really. Oh, and don't ask me how Zuko could tip over a full cart on his own. He just can! Enjoy!
“Oh, no! My ...!” A large cart tipped over, spilling the vendor’s wares in the middle of the street.
“Zuko! Watch where you’re going!”
Zuko gave Katara a significant look. “What are you talking about?”
“You just knocked that guys stuff over! The least you could do is own up to it and help him pick it up!” Katara’s stance was rigid, feet shoulder width apart and arms akimbo.
“What? I did nothing wrong! He should watch where he’s going next time!”
“Pick it up!”
“No!” Tiny flames flickered to life at Zuko’s fingertips and steam came from his nose.
“Oh, you want to play that way, do you?” The waterskin at Katara’s side was quickly uncorked and the water hurriedly bent from the skin. A small skirmish began between the benders, it was the equivalent of a slap fight, really. That is not to say that a few items weren’t roasted and waterlogged once finished. A stream of fire broke past Katara’s guards and headed straight for the vendor’s upturned cart, catching it and his vegetables on fire.
“M-my ... MY CABBAGES!!!”
X-posted to
zutara100, as always.