Butterfly, Buffy

Nov 12, 2009 12:06

prompt from comment_fic was 'Tara didn't die'
warnings: character death, suicide, violence, depression, murder (nothing worse than they show on the show).

The Buffyverse is copyrighted to Joss Whedon. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction

"your shirt?"

Willow fell to the ground.

"Willow!? WILLOW!" Tara screamed, and clutched, but Willow still fell, still stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Tara curled around her, crying until she thought every muscle must be pulled, but Willow still didn't get up.

Several hours later Dawn found her.


"You look real nice, Dawnie"

I'm not really in the mood for a fashion show right now Tara.

"I know, I'm sorry" Tara stuttered, her hands fluttering in her nervousness.

"How can I lose her again?" Dawn choked out, as she tried to hold back tears.

"I don't know Dawnie, maybe we weren't meant to bring her back?"

"Excuse me." The man from the funeral home stuck his head through the curtain, "We're going to start the service"


After the eviction notice Dawn stayed with Tara, in her dorm, with Xander, until Anya annoyed them both too much, with Spike, in his crypt.

She went to school, starred blankly out the window until the bell rang, then went to her "foster home" of the moment. She knew as soon as she was 18, and had a diploma she was out of here.

The teachers only passed her because they felt sorry for her.

The day of graduation, Dawn was at the bus stop, a bag slung over shoulder, a bus ticket in hand. She'd left a note so they wouldn't worry. Not that they'd likely notice - Sunnydales newest Big Bad had crushed half the town. Dawn wasn't too keen on the details- the rest of the group was so protective of her, and they were so busy trying to stop that Glory thing...

She got on the bus and never looked back


Faith was in her cell when it happened. She'd always known the risk was there. The Watchers Council didn't like loose ends, and they didn't get much looser than her.

It started with a slight burn in her gut.

They'd probably put it in her food.

She started to sweat, to shake.

Or maybe this was a spell. She wouldn't put much past those British wankers.

She fell to the floor, and slipped into darkness


Giles came to tell them about Faith, that a new Slayer had been chosen in Cleveland. When he realized how bad this Glory situation was he called in the Watcher's Council for help.

It was around this time that the First started to raise a little hell.

After a late night visit from Jenny, a couple glasses (maybe a bit more than a couple) of scotch, Giles hung himself.

The Watcher's Council set up shop, to try and combat the evils arising without a Slayer in the area to stem the tide, but mostly just got in everyones way.

They were still there when the end came.

Warren was everything it wanted. It fused with him, made him stronger, faster, a little less stable. Stability wasn't necessary for the Vessel of the First.

During one fight he crushed Xanders skull with one hand.

Anya screamed out to D'Hoffran to make her a vengence demon, but was dead before he could grant her request.

In LA, Angelus roamed free. There was no Slayer to take him down. His team tried, failed. He killed them one by one. He saved Conner for last.

Jasmine burst forth into the world, and raised a massive following. A massive army, all hopelessly devoted to her.

She sent her army in droves to end the reign of Glorificus, who reigned in what was left in Sunnydale, to contain the evil of the First, who was working with her.

When that was done she built a temple. She built it over a 100 square miles of LA.


When Illyria rose (and infected some poor bastard on the ship that fished it out of the sea) she shook Jasmine's empire, but couldn't defeat it.

Luckily for the GodKing of the Primordium, her vessel could not contain the true essence of Illyria. When Illyria went, she took most of North America with her. It was a death worthy of a God.


The dust still hasn't settled. The temperature is colder, and the sky is dark, and raining, more often then not.

But those of us that are left are free.

favourite, au, buffy, ficlet, warning, angst, challenge

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