Cure, Buffy

Oct 16, 2009 13:42

prompt was Cure

The Buffyverse is copyrighted to Joss Whedon. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction

She's had months, but no cure.

Now she has the cure, but no time.

Angelus is in front of her, smirking, taunting. His hands are cold on her throat and face. She knows what's coming, can feel death getting ready to pounce.

A twist, a crunch, and she's done. The cure dies with her, burns in the remains of the computer, glistens in the shattered pieces of the orb on the floor.

The man Angel was dies with her.

Her chance with Rupert, her hope for a life together, gone in the turn of a head.

Jenny slumps to the floor.

The cure dies with her.

buffy, gen, drabble, angst, challenge

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