The Devil's Due
Cracktastic fic, Xover with Reaper (from Fandom of One list) and Supernatural, with shout outs to Angelus(on Buffy), Spike, Firefly, Harry Potter, Whoverse, and Dollhouse (fandoms younger than one year).
writercon100as many fandoms as possible in 100 words.
The Buffyverse, Firefly, Angel and Dollhouse are copyrighted to Joss Whedon. Supernatural belongs to Kripke and the CW, Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Reaper belongs to Michele Fazekas, Tara Butters and the CW. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction
"What's this?" asked Sam, as the Devil passed him a paper.
"It's your list of souls, Sammie Boy" the Devil smiled.
"Uh, yeah, whatever buddy, you've got the wrong guy" said Dean, as he shot Sam a look.
"Voldermort, Angelus, Spike, the Deleks.... aren't these-"
"the worst damned ever to escape hell, Sammie. You don't want their evil in the world do you?"
"Joss Whedon is on this list" Sam said.
"Isn't that the Firefly, Buffy guy? those chicks were hot" Dean said, lost in dirty thoughts.
"Have you seen Dollhouse? Nuff said" the Devil replied.
"well, we can at least check into it," Sam suggested.