Apr 09, 2005 01:17
WELL, I always comment in everyone else's LJ, so I decided to just open one myself. Don't know how often/much I'll post (considering I just got home from a 17 hour day: 8am-5pm office, 5:30pm-1:00am restaurant) but we'll see... Stick around it could be fun :)
Nothing good for tonight, I just found out it's Friday night-->when you work everyday, 80ish+ hours a week, your days all kind of run together, I seriously thought it was Tuesday or something, and this whole adjusting to daylight savings time BS isn't helping any. The restaurant was so damn busy tonight- 30 f'ing people/names walked out after getting pagers, 90 names on the wait list, 1 1/2-2 HR wait----> that's re-damn-dic-u-lous! Oh well, at least I had fun, right? Damn I eat way tooo much now that I get all this good foor for 50% or more off, I have no willpower WTF?! I'm exhausted in every way possible and I'm going to bed (THIS SUCKS-I SHOULD BE OUT RIGHT NOW) considering I'm going back to the restaurant at 10:30am, CAN'T WAIT!!! Oh well, I have Sunday off-- I get to see drew--plus I did ask Jason for all these hellish hours, so I'll stop complaining...soon... Goodnight