May 06, 2007 21:12
I've decided to actually use this thing for what it is: a journal.
It's shocking, I know, but I think I can get used to it... actually, I feel kind of lame for doing this, because seriously: who's gonna care if I write in it or not? Me, that's who. I guess that by writing (typing) in this journal, i can keep a record of sorts of my life and the things that go on in it.
Seeing that it's pretty much a public journal, i'm not about to write down all my deepest fears and secrets for all the world to see, so it'll just be like a diary without the interesting things : )
One other thing: haveing (much less using) a blog makes me feel a little like a nerd... mainly because people like me sit here and type and it pretty much looks like they're talking to themselves... like i'm doing right now... so i better stop while i'm ahead. ; )
If anything exciting happens tomorrow, i'll be sure to write about it
journal post