House: Fandom Announcement, Icons, and Drawing

Apr 22, 2007 19:21

After twelve years with The X-Files, I have a new television fandom: House M.D.

The most attractive feature of the show is Dr. House himself, a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes, packaged in a snarky, complicatedly pithy package in the form of a crippled, bitter, misanthropic doctor. Retained is Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning powers, near omniscience, brain-heaviness, alienation, use of drugs, neediness for puzzles. Both super sleuths are musically gifted, Holmes with his sad renditions on his violin, and Dr. House tickling the piano. Dr. House is an adolescent stuck in a middle-aged, chronically pained body, and his pain brings out the sadist in me. There is something delectable in his limp, his cane, his grimace. His wit and mockery is just as biting, and he rarely holds his tongue. He speaks the truth, speaks what we do not dare for fear of political incorrectedness, and speaks what we privately and openly denounce. He is a manipulative bastard, and he's damn good at being one. And he is absolutely rash, highly unethical, unrelenting, and rarely wrong. He hates people, but saves their lives. Dr. House, welcome to my world.

This role cannot be possible without the unsheathed brilliance of Hugh Laurie. He won two consecutive Golden Globes as well as two consecutive Television Critics Association Awards, two consecutive Satellite Awards, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. All for only the first two seasons of this show. He is also a champion oarsman, attended Cambridge University, the author of a critically acclaimed novel, an accomplished, self-taught pianist, and celebrated comedian. What can I say? Jacks-of-all-trades make me weak.

I started watching this show two weeks ago. The first weekend, I streamed about 30 episodes of the first and second season online. I started renting the second season DVDs via Netflix, and have been slowly working through them. Last night, I watched "Who's Your Daddy?", bringing me right up to the brink of the end of season 2. Therefore, dear flist, please put ALL SEASON 3 SPOILERS BEHIND A CUT for my sake!

ETA: Okay, I need your help. I downloaded 11 episodes of Season 3 via a torrent named "House MD - Season 3", and there were no complaints written about it. I tried playing the episodes using VLC Player. Behind the cut, a screenshot of what the picture looks like. Suggestions? I really don't know my way around VLC player, and I have no idea what's wrong. I'm hoping hoping hoping that the video is viewable somehow. I really want to watch "No Reason" next weekend, and follow it up with Season 3.

As you can see, it plays black and white, with multiples. Is this an interlacing issue? Did it hash right? (Although, I manually checked the hashing).

ETA 2: FIXED! Thank you
ichabunni! I seem to forget that I should update my codecs every few months or so. Two years ago, I was on top of the codecs, updating them all the time. But I seem to have fallen behind. Thank you! Now I can look forward to next week with anticipation rather than fear!

Although this is not "new" news for some, consider this my official announcement. To celebrate, I bring you my "special edition" House icons and a drawing.

Regular The X-Files and Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire icon programming will resume next week. This week's House icons and announcement is really just a filler because this is an insane week for me. I will not be available much online. I have a huge Molecular Cell Developmental Biology midterm, and my godgrandfather is in the hospital for pneumonia. Incidentally, today is his 90th birthday. He was supposed to be discharged today, but I think the hospital is concerned about his heart condition. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your continued support.


This drawing turned out surprisingly okay even though I only worked on it for one hour, without an eraser. Thus, you can still see my draft lines. This is not a scan but rather a digital picture of the drawing. For this reason, there is quite a significant amount of glare in the upper right hand quadrant. I also notice that it's a little blurry where the eyes, forehead, and hair are. The eyes really suffer in this picture, because the lines are really supposed to be crisp. If anyone wants it, I can provide a scan maybe next week. This was done with a regular lead pencil, which is really awful for shading, but it has a nice sharpness that I like. The page is 11"x14" in a sketchbook.


icons: house, icons, art: drawings, art

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