200+ Friends Requests!

Mar 29, 2007 23:19

Yay for 200+ Friends and Watchers! Thank you all very much. You guys are just so special to me. My time with LJ started about a year ago, when my chief interest was merely to improve my iconing skills. Now this journal has blossomed into something more, and I've met amazing people here. Thank you all so very much for being a part of my life.

To celebrate, I'm fulfilling requests! I'll take as many as I can handle. Anyone who is on this friends list (as of today) can participate, even if you have previously requested items from my last two requests :D. If you will be requesting any graphic, please supply a link or several links to pictures. Please don't link me to a huge archive, because my eternal indecision will kick in and I'll never be able to finish your request. Here is what you can ask for (because I don't have time to do certain things):

  1. Icons! Anything you can possibly want!
  2. Userinfo graphics and other medium sized graphics. (Please, no large graphics such as wallpapers and collages and such)
  3. A song! I'll compose a song just for you on the piano. No more song requests! Wow, you guys really flatter me too much, because I don't think I'm *that* good! :D Oh boy, now I really feel bad. I just spent the last two hours trying to record some songs for those of you who requested them, and they're so inadequate! They're terrible! Ahhh! I'm feeling not very pianoistic :(
  4. A simple layout with a header of your choice (I'm only doing a limited number of these. The layout will be very simple, black and white and gray. I will install it for you if you provide me with a temporary password. I'll make a header for it or you can provide one). Example layout with header of my design:
  5. Anything else you want that you can think of. I'm open to requests. However, I can't fulfill anything that takes too long, such as a drawing, painting, large graphic, anything hand-made, etc etc etc.
   REQUESTS ARE CLOSED (APRIL 4TH). I left requests open for a full 7 days. So hopefully that was enough time for most of everyone for getting their requests in :) Of course, there is always next time.

icons: requests

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