A Boy and His Bird, a Harry Potter Painting

Jun 09, 2011 18:55

Conventions, LA Pride, Oh My!

Okay, time is running down, and I am really starting to stress out about lubricus2011 and LA Pride and Anime Expo 2011 all at the same time.

First, this weekend is LA Pride. If anyone is going to Los Angeles Pride, hit me up! I will be at the booth representing Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team. I'm not too entirely sure where our booth is, but it's under a tent, by the swimming pool, apparently. I'll be there for 16 hours this weekend. From 4-11 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Then, on Monday morning, I will be getting up at the crack of dawn to get ready for lubricus2011 . I will be packing my convention essentials, and wearing my Gryffindor robe to Union Station, where I will be catching a train with vampireanneke to Seattle! It is so appropriate to take a train to a Harry Potter convention :) I've never been on a train for longer than two hours, so I'm super excited/nervous about this. But I still haven't finished preparing for my discussion/workshop for lubricus2011 . Urgh, *major* source of stress right now...I need to finish preparations on the train. I should be less stressed when it's done. *sigh*

At lubricus2011 , I'll be exhibiting my three new Harry Potter works, and selling some limited edition prints, greeting cards, postcards, and my brand new item: art buttons! Now you can own wearable works of my art, and *represent* the Harry Potter, House, X-Files, and Sherlock Holmes communities.

Anyway, I'll try to make a post about the buttons at some point. At this moment, though, the buttons are only available for lubricus2011 and Anime Expo 2011. However, depending on demand, I may be making them available online soon :)

Okay, final Harry Potter work for convention season 2011. I started working on this one in December 2010, and I have to say, I'm proudest of my technical work in this one.

Previous 2011 Harry Potter Paintings: Title: "A Boy and His Bird"
Artist: foxestacado
Fandom: Harry Potter
Medium: digital oil painting
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This is an original and copyrighted work of art. Please do not use in icons, banners, wallpapers, manipulations, or edit in any way for personal or commercial use without written permission.


"A Boy and His Bird" is an homage to Harry's first gift, his second friend, and his familiar, Hedwig. Hedwig was the first creature for whom Harry was responsible for. I think of Hedwig is a symbol of him growing up and having to take care of a creature who was dependent upon him for affection and guidance. Of course, Hedwig was plenty independent herself, and looked after him in her own way. I wanted to illustrate that spiritual bond a boy has with his familiar. While Harry looks on, Hedwig watches out for him. It is a peaceful time before the storm, before Harry's relationship with Hedwig is tragically cut short.

In some ways, Hedwig symbolizes Harry's growth and drastic, surreal changes. She was there nearly the same moment Harry was introduced to the wizarding world, and she dies at the worst of it, when everything was falling apart. She was brought into his life when he was a child, full of innocent wonder and awe and safety among friends and mentors. And she dies amidst war. She really is another symbol of Harry's loss of innocence. She dies the moment he really, truly engages in the war, and is brought out of the safety of Grimmauld Place, the Order of the Phoenix scattered around him, no longer shielding him from danger. He is out in the open, alone, and desperately vulnerable.

I started painting this back in December 2009, with the intention of having it on my Christmas cards. That obivously didn't happen as I just finished it. Hedwig proved very difficult to paint. Even when I was supposedly "done" with the painting, it just didn't sit right with me, so I repainted the sky multiple times until it felt rightly dramatic and yet serene.

A detail shot of the hair, eyes, and glasses. I've *never* done metal work this good in a painting. I generally avoid painting any sort of metal because it is very difficult for me. I am also very happy with my technique with the eyes. I generally don't quite get this level of moistness and reflection in the eyes.

Harry's hair looks a little too good. According to one friend, she would date "that guy." LOL, the Harry in my head has shaggy, messy, unruly, untidy hair, so I guess I failed in that regard :D

Not in the detail shot, but Harry's robe and t-shirt is some of my best and most realistic fabric work that was done without a reference shot. I just couldn't find the right references, and so I winged it. I am comfortable enough painting fabric that I was willing to do it, but I still found painting his t-shirt (the way it drapes over his chest) very difficult. I hope I pulled it off. I chose blue for his t-shirt specifically because I associate the color blue with Lily. And it also works very well with Harry's eye color and the far-off, whimiscal expression of his face.

While this painting celebrates Harry and Hedwig's relationship, I also imagine Harry's feeling of emptiness of not having Hedwig's weight on his shoulder after.

Limited Edition Prints

There are signed and numbered limited edition prints of this painting available at lubricus2011 , Anime Expo 2011, and online here. The prints are reproduced beautifully and professionally on museum-quality Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper. For prints information, please email me at foxestacado@gmail.com

art: harry potter, art: paintings, art, art: sale

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