For the love of God Hasbro, never did I believed you made Duripoto-sama and heck, I'm still saving my money and I'll do whatever I can. I swear I don't want to snag any ROTF crap toys in the store anymore. And now, all I need is to wait for Animated Arcee, WFC Prime and Universe(?) Drift. Lastly, they're Deluxes. Oh gawd thank you so much, that price is so reasonable.
And for the worst side, I'm currently re-typing the project proposal, planning to design the certificates for my whole class' project and the most worst, El Nino is upon us. Aww well, things are meant to be like this. I'm also getting to see soon my midterm grades too. That sucks.
For the mean time...
Elie and Animated Blurr. Ah and my first attempt to draw him- Uh wait it wasn't...
Commission for
MayaTakamera. Yeah, she wants Sunny being a gentlemech or so I think. :B
Coz two commemorative events happened on the same day right? And that's one handsome tiger in there, ehem.
Aww, and who the heck are these two??? Aww it's just SG Sideswipe and SG Blurr- And yesh, my dark secrets will soon be revealed~♥
And I'm glad to post arts in here- Been a long time I guess. Anyhoo, proceed to typing...