Click here for today's dose of internet rage...

Jan 26, 2010 22:37

Because being gay is all about sex. And only straight people can have fulfilling family lives. Or something. I don't even know where to begin with this one. The prejudices, the assumptions, the stereotypes...?

"All I can say is that if you say you're not worried about finding the right man, either you're in denial or you're lying." I think that quote says it all. To be fair, the writer of the review (of the book, from whose writer comes the highly offensive quote) does acknowledge that some women can be happy, fulfilled, childless AND single. But maybe it would be better to encourage the rest of them to examine their values and prejudices, along with the heteronormative, repressive system that has produced them, a little more closely? Rather than just "settle" for a man, any man, because they feel incomplete without one?

In which Tony Abbott is a blithering idiot; but then tell us something we didn't know... Because women are commodities, to be "give[n]... away". Men should treat everyone with respect, but the only aspect of control women have is to choose whether or not to "give themselves away".

Abbott says: "[W]omen's contraceptives have liberated men as much as they have women and warns that unmarried women are being taken advantage of as a result." Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but if his comments are anything to go by, then women's liberation has a long way to go, contraception or not!

PS. If you click these links, you have been warned: extreme rage likely to result! =:-@

people are stupid, links, feminism, random

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