foxe is currently experiencing Total Motivation Fail.
Last week: don't even remember any more except it was busy! Research Away Day for work on the weekend; got back on Sunday and went straight to Bristol for workshop Monday.
This week: in Bristol Monday, got back 10pm and went out for friend's b'day drinks; work then CAOS then work dinner on Tuesday; Wednesday went to work then from office to airport, thence to Belgrade. Thursday gave paper; pulled it off with reasonable amount of flair (I think) despite not being 60-year-old silver-haired professor. Friday - conference; Saturday - conference. Today (Sunday): woke up at insane o'clock this morning (4:30am Belgrade time = to come back in time for CAOS Fresher Day. Conducted; went to pub; went to other pub for much-needed food. Now trying to work on teaching materials for next week and not getting very far! But must do at some point because...
... Tomorrow: must re-pack suitcase, take to work and then straight to airport to go to Geneva for another conference.
and at the start of this month I didn't think I had anywhere to go! how has October turned into this, again??!