(no subject)

Apr 04, 2009 22:09

This 30 days thing is not going so well, largely because I have been far too busy for the last few days to post anything! Since the early hours of Wednesday, when I last posted, I have:

* given a one-hour (joint) paper at a project seminar, at which I then spent the rest of the day;
* been out for dinner following said seminar;
* got home far too late!

* got up early to go to London for two meetings and a museum -- after the meetings, we went to check out the Darwin exhibition (all in the name of research, of course) and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition (highly recommended, some fantastic photos -- made me despair of my own poor attempts, though) at the Natural History Museum, of which I am now a member;
* met daemon_will for dinner and then karaokeyay!

* came back from London in time for a meeting with one of my project students
* discovered I'd all but missed Puzzle Hunt 2009, despite having taken note of the dates, due to being distracted by other things (work first among them!)
* got on board with the UoM(an) Maths department team in time to solve two puzzles, which made me feel rather better
* went out for large and delicious Chinese meal with Lee's tai chi class. Sticky rice iz sticky!
* against my better judgment, stayed up solving puzzles until 1am

* got up at 5am to get the train to Bangor for the Seasearch Observer training course. Seasearch is a volunteer marine research organisation that keeps tabs on marine life around the UK coast; divers can sign up to be Observers, get trained and then record sightings on their dives to help out with the monitoring. The course didn't start until 9:30 but an infelicitous train timetable meant that I had to get there either 40 minutes early or 20 minutes late, gah.

And now I am home, pumping up my bike tyres and packing my things in preparation for a day's diving at Capernwray Quarry tomorrow, where Andy and I will be doing our dry suit diver course. I'm really looking forward to getting in the water, though not to getting up at 6:45 to ride to Chorlton... I decided this morning that I hate getting up early more than almost anything else -- possibly more than anything else, when you take into account level of hate versus frequency with which I have to do it! It is a testament to my love of diving that I'm willing to get up early for it nonetheless. Bed soon would probably be a good idea, though...

busy, london, aykrc, work, diving, wales, life, travel

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