(no subject)

Jun 10, 2004 01:28

Did not post all about my adventures yesterday (*everyone on my f-list sighs in relief*) because got home at 1am after a big day. And now it is 1:30am after another big day. My feet hurt *owowowoww*

In very quick summary:

*Bronx Zoo = the best zoo ever, possibly
*Central Park = a perfect balance to the citification of NYC
*The Strand Bookstore = maybe not quite the "biggest 2nd hand bookstore in the world", but pretty darn huge anyway. Plus, everything new at 25-50% off its already cheap US price!
*US diners don't serve home fries at dinner time, only at breakfast. And they look at you weirdly when you try to order them for dinner. Also, lox = smoked salmon, apparently. One of the mysteries of the ages solved for me.
*American Museum of Natural History = the best museum ever, with an awesome collection of dinosaur fossils, and a great way to spend seven hours (oh my poor feet)
*Juilliard School, The Met, Carnegie Hall = BTDT now!
*Empire State Building = way cool
*Maccas in the US = exactly the same as at home, but there's no such thing as a small size fries

Tomorrow = off to Boston, where I'm sure nothing worthwhile posting about will happen (you don't want to hear about some boring conference, do you?). So maybe I will have a chance to update in more detail later.

fin, I got you JRB's L5Y (I hope that was the one you wanted, but I've stupidly deleted the email now!) - it worked out about $30, so a bit cheaper. Anonymous AKA Daniel - apparently Wicked album comes out this Friday (I'll have to see if there's a music store in Boston) but Avenue Q not out until next month. Hopefully I'll be able to get one at least, we'll see.

Oh, and I picked up the RotK album for about $24AUD, which is about $10 less than it would be in Melbourne. So go me! shehasathree, you're welcome to borrow it although of course you wouldn't make an illegal photocopy to keep, no I'm sure you wouldn't do that ;)

Bed for me now, zzzz.

work, usa, travel, music, new york

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