Marking undergrad essays, so much fun (not)...

May 09, 2007 17:38

... only 50 papers to go! =:-@

meanwhile, I haven't had time to go to the gym in a week, and in a misguided attempt to compensate for this I want junk food, but the vending machine is out of crisps (as it is always out of everything but the most banal chocolate bars on any day ending in a Y).

And if I see another misuse of "it's" for "its", or "whom" instead of "who" (the other way round doesn't bother me so much, I don't know why) I am going to go into Red Pen Insanity Mode. Out of the two dozen-odd papers I've marked so far, there have only been three or four at most that didn't give me "grammar cringe" when reading them. I've been restraining myself, avoiding marking people down for their inability to write English coherently, trying to mark based on content not presentation... but enough is enough! (Can't people even use their own language properly these days? Not all of them can be ESL students!)

In happier news, I have all three of the Master Li novels winging (well actually in all but one case, um, wheeling - I try to buy books from UK sellers where possible to save carbon costs, see?) their way to me from various Amazon marketplace sources. Thanks to thornae for the reminder and the recommendation! I also have a shopping basket at Amazon filling up with new items that I'll buy as soon as I qualify for free delivery I'm sure I won't want to buy anything else for a while. Mmm, books.

work, procrastinating, books

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