(no subject)

Jan 22, 2007 17:56

Prompted by decreasing fitness levels (as evidenced by my inability to walk up stairs, run for the bus, or do other energetic things without getting out of breath) and increasing wobbliness (as evidenced by, well, increasing wobbliness), I have decided to join a gym!

Trouble is, none of the sleek modern gyms like Fitness First list anything like membership prices on their website, and I have the nagging memory that they're generally horrendously expensive. I know a few of you are with Fitness First - care to share how much it costs in Australia? That'd at least give me some idea of what to expect.

Meanwhile, a good option is looking like going to the Sugden Sports Centre (university gym): they have casual user rates (which none of the FF-type gyms seem to do) that are fairly affordable for both weights sessions and classes. I have to go and get "inducted" before I can use the weights room, which is where I will be heading off to in about half an hour.

If I get really keen, I may consider joining Sugden as a member - if their facilities are any good, that is. They have a 6-month deal for £89 including the £10 induction fee (I'll get a refund on that if I join later), that's a good sight likely to be cheaper than FF etc, and I'd only have to go twice a week during that time to make it worthwhile. (Will I go twice a week for six months, though? Maybe if I've paid for it, I will!) Plus it's close enough to work for me to go at lunchtime, and is right on the way home (not that the others are far, but they're a little off the track). But I am tempted by the shiny-new juice-bar wireless-internet free-breakfast toiletries-supplied glitz and glamour of the "proper" gyms...

In other exciting news, it snowed yesterday!

gym, exercise

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