(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 17:00

So he would have left
As the soul leaves the body torn and bruised,
As the mind deserts the body it has used.

If I'm finding solace in poetry and music, I must be feeling back to normal.

Alas, these your springtides, methinks, increase not.
Oh, when begin you to swell so high that I may drown me in you?

Does anyone out there still have copies of my girly vocal arrangements/transcriptions? I'm thinking particularly of Quan vey le lauzeter and The Water is Wide... tigerdenbodu, I'm sure you've got access to the former, and splatchtrock, you may just have a copy of the latter hanging around somewhere. Choir's starting up again soon and I have a desire to do some girly things.

Yes, I am soppy and pathetic. Shut up. Much better to be directing my frustrated energies into creative and artistic projects than lying around unable to move.

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poetry, music

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