(no subject)

Jan 06, 2006 18:18

I came with empty heart and empty hands
And yet my soul not mine to call my own
A stranger, far from home and all alone -
Odysseus abroad in alien lands.

I bound myself athwart the mast to hear
your siren song, seductive threnody
of that which might have been, or might yet be;
Secured, that I might listen with no fear

Of drowning in it. Was it then so wrong
To hope my bonds might slip, that I might be
Free once again to lose myself to you,
And brave the maelstrom's force; to dive headlong,
to plunge, to fall, to fling myself into
the depths of that tumultuous, ecstatic sea?
13 December 2005

It's a pity none of the people who were in the pub in Liverpool that night have LJs...


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