(no subject)

Nov 06, 2005 15:17

Loneliness Quotient: 9%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:
Your LQ of 9 is incredibly low, meaning your level of loneliness is practically non-existent. This is great news for you. You are okay in your relations with your friends. This is good. Additionally, your family situation is not causing you any troubles. A positive family situation is definitely helpful. Furthermore, your current romantic situation is not a source of loneliness in your life. This is a bright spot for you. You definitely don't have any major insecurity issues holding you back, so your pursuit of elimating loneliness will not be held back by this potential pitfall.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions

So despite complaining frequently and vociferously about how far I am from my friends at home, it seems I'm pretty ok really! And with such great friends here, who wouldn't be? Since getting back from my holiday, I've done nothing but party, sleep, hang out with friends and party more. Life is good. (Though also, I have done woefully little work during Reading Week. Meep.)

Also, two hilarious links from my f-list today:

http://college.big-boys.com/articles/nintendochoir.html (thanks pop_pony!)
http://www.panexa.com/ (thanks shehasathree! though actually splatchtrock sent me the link before I saw it on your LJ)

links, meme

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