Baby, it's COLD outside!!

Dec 19, 2008 02:27

Current temp is 23.  My friends from other states will be scoffing, but that's COLD for here.  We've had snow on the ground since last Saturday, and it seems sometimes like it'll go on forever... endless in a beautiful white cottony blanket way.

Not that it matters that much, it's lovely and warm in the house because Randy is keeping the woodfire going.  The goats are snug in their shelters, and they are happy because in this kind of weather they get to eat all the hay they want!  The only bother is going out to keep the ice from their water buckets.  Oh, and we have to go out some time to get Reyna's prescription (her antibiotics).

The change in weather is rather drastic.  A week or two ago we were out in t-shirts sweeping leaves from the driveway, and I was wondering if it would ever start raining.  A week before that and we were planting garlic, it's now snug and 'warm' under it's coat of snow.

Under the fold are some pictures we've taken recently.

Here's the proof:  Sweeping and raking the driveway

In the above pic we've got everything into piles, and Randy is just starting to load the piles into the truck.  We made 3 or 4 trips to the compost heap with these!

All done!  We could sweep the driveway too, but we aren't that obsessive.

Above is Ivy and Monkey cleaning leaves for us.  They are great at this, but they do leave pellets in return.    

Here's Randy planting garlic.  The hood of our rototiller is in the foreground.  We planted back in late November.

So we had snow.  Here's some pics from the snows of last Saturday and Sunday.

This is Bill or Ted.  Or Mary or Margaret.  Never sure which is which.  I love chickadees and we have two resident pairs.  Bill is waiting for the feeder to be filled.

So, a question...  Has anyone had does that delay or simply don't come into heat at all because of sudden cold weather?  I'm waiting on Moonshadow to come into heat so we can breed her, and she was due 2 days ago, but seems like she's just dithering.  Amalthea was late coming into heat by about 2 or 3 days (she came into heat a day ago).  I'm wondering if it's the cold?

garlic, planting, raking, goats 2008

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