Today I had my mid-term at 1:30Pm. It was a four part mid-term: Transcribing Doctors Orders, Pharmacy Abbreviations, True and False, and Multiple Choice. Out of the four parts of the mid-term...The Transcribing Doctors Orders was the toughest. This part had a lot of writing. Also knowing all of the controlled substances that the doctor orders. It was confusing at times because the orders where mixed up. The only way to put them in order is to read the date. Man, I had a major headache after the Transcribing. The Pharmacy Abbreviations was the easiest part of the mid-term. Of course I knew the abbreviations by heart. The True/False and the Multiple choice were put together. There where 44 questions on that part of the test. True & False was kinda easy. It was annoying that we had to make the False answers True by writing a sentence on how to make it True. The Multiple choice was also very easy (No brainier here (n_n)V). I really don't know why I was nervous this whole weekend. I'm glad that I did very good on the mid-term. My weekend of study really paid off. Also I had a secret weapon *cough* *Nip* *cough*. Now I'm ready to take on the next semester. Bring It On Baby!!!
"*Grabs the news paper* I'm going to hit the Litter-box Hard"---Sarmoti From Father of the Pride
You are a footman, you fight to defend lorderan
from evil. Although you dont pack anything
superhuman, you'll charge against anything
fearlessly with your sword and sheild.
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