Got the fox by the tail

May 13, 2011 18:31

So the last few days I have been working hard in the shop trying to get my company, Foxtail woodcrafts, Up and really running instead of just a nice little dream. Part of this has been motivation from the inside, Ive really had a creative bug lately, and part of this has come from the outside, I now have one firm commission and one Im still working on snagging.

My woodworking has always taken a direction that Im pointing and right now Im pointing toward SCA stuff so I have for the last few days been pouring through finds of historical significance looking for things to inspire me. Today I completed a plywood prototype of a viking chest as well as worked on finishing a small inkel loom and starting on construction of a small chest. Hopefully by monday Ill have 3 new items to add to my etsy shop.

I have an alter to Luchtaine in my workshop. and I find it amusing that ever since I did that I have had the desire to learn shield crafting. so my goal is that soon Im going to start working with that. and ad some shields and armor stands and whatnots to my line up as well. who knows maybe by the end of the summer Ill have a respectable shop.


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