I posted a resume online on www.monster.com
It really doesn't look too bad. My sister says it has way too much information about me, so perhaps I need to cut it down a bit. I'll be working on it throughout the week, and hopefully I can design a decent one to print and mail to Spruce Creek Baptist by next week.
Dad called up the Florida International Festival today and ordered 6 tickets to go see the London Symphony Orchestra this summer in their 'Pops Concert.' I've been the last 4 times that they've been here, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. It's amazing to hear them.
http://www.fif-lso.org/ I really want to go to Atlanta and see their Symphony play the Final Fantasy Concert this summer too. The dates are June 24th-25th. Music from that video game series is so beautiful. If you haven't had a chance to hear it yet, just ask me and I'll email or send you some.
http://www.square-enix-usa.com/uematsu/concert/dear_friends.html That's about all to be said for now. I want someone to go with me to see LSO and FF. *sigh* I'll be the one to do the picking and choosing though. :)
Taking a nap now, and then heading down to church for rehearsal.