cause i know all of you are eagerly awaiting my synopsis of superman returns and because i just saw a clip where kevin smith retells his story about his superman script, i'm going to post my thoughts on that new franchise which i think bryan singer is doing his best to drive into the ground.
basically, the movie's story is a load of horse shit. my biggest nit-pick: lex luthor is not some hussler that marries an old woman and makes her sign over everything she has. lex luthor is not some dumbass with aspirations to make only more money. sure, that's a motivation but not THE motivation. lex is utterly and completely obsessed with superman. lex is a genius and a strategist. he thinks of all possibilities and probabilities and comes up with plans for all of them executing the one that results in what's best for him or what he views is best for society. see the lex from smallville for the proper way to portray (and write) lex luthor. they should've just cast rosenbaum. my second biggest nit-pick is that you have the best superhero in the known comic universe and what does he go up against? not some huge strategist (or as lex likes to call it - "brains over braun") but someone who's hell bent on creating something to make him rich. what? no great story where supes has to figure out what lex is up to, go through a bunch of tests, beat up some technological device or use his fists in the land of kryptonite? no. none of that. weak, weak story.
now for the good parts! routh is a great clark kent although why they made him so bungling, i have no clue. but he does the character justice. i really enjoyed it. he and bosworth do have some chemistry not a lot though. speaking of kate, i could've used a bit more of the ballsy lois but the way she's portrayed isn't bad.
now for the great parts! the action and CGI. i've seen the movie twice simply for the airplace sequence. holy... is that a great 10 minutes. that's what action should be and THAT is superman. right. there. and can i say i just love that they got metropolis' location right? i originally thought LA was supposed to be metropolis but after doing some research (asking my dealer, specifically), i'm told it's supposed to be in the mid-atlantic area. but i'm still upset that they had gotham in illinois cause everyone knows that gotham is nyc. but great, great action. although at one point, i kid you not, i thought, "christian bale's batman would beat the living snot out of those thugs and clark's not even putting up a fight. c'mon, get up you pansie! you know how to fight!"
so what would i change? bryan singer needs to stop doing comic movies cause he has no clue about them and he needs to stop giving the writing jobs of his comic movies to his buddies. just. stop.
that said, batman begins 2 and spider-man 3 should be 100 times better than superman returns.
2-2.5 out of 5 stars.