
May 22, 2006 09:56

it's been a while since i've used this thing and some people have taken me off their friends list perhaps because of my silence. to that i apologize.

life's been weird. i think that succinctly captures it all. i've come close to quitting my job numerous times. i've lost close to 50 pounds since last winter. and i am now able to play numerous springsteen songs on my guitar and was asked to play at a talent show showcasing guitarists from my school.

it's kind of weird losing the weight though. i had to buy all new jeans 3 sizes smaller in waist and now i have to go one more lower. my pants are now 32x32 which is so weird for me because i've never been that size. i think the jeans i buy are cut a little bigger than normal. shirts are so weird because larges are now loose on me. but with all the weight loss, i also lost some of the fat that i could turn to muscle. i'm getting injured much easier now. my shoulder has been a mess for almost a month making it hard to lift anything. the doctor said to lay off the free weights while that heals if i choose to let it heal on its own. my back is acting up again and it hasn't acted up in a year. at least now i can see my abs though.

the job is still the job and as most of you know that it sucks. they had removed the ability to view internet email and my idiot of a boss has now added to that by banning ALL internet access that is not work related. i still toute the ny state case (i think it was nys) where a man was terminated for checking his internet email at work. he sued and the judge ruled in his favor after checking his history file and seeing that he did not abuse the net access. the judge also said that net email and access is now the equivalent to personal phone calls or reading the paper at work. at worst, the company can only reprimand you. one thing is for sure... there's nothing fun about this company anymore.

the guitar thing has been really interesting. it took almost two months for the guitar to arrive. after it did, it really amplified all my mistakes. my teacher liked my guitar so much that he wants one so he can use for his gigs. i've been trying to download sheet music but i can only get guitar tabs for free online and i prefer actual music notes. the weird thing is that there are a lot of songs that sound really complicated and in reality aren't. the more complex songs are the ones that use only notes. sadly, most of my beloved jimmy eat world songs are only notes which makes it so much harder since my fingers and mind aren't that great at remembering all the notes. then adding the capo (little thing that holds strings down) really messes me up!

that's all i can think of at the moment...
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