Jul 07, 2009 09:19
We have new neighbors in the rental property on the Watt Ave side of our house, and I already hate them. Saw them a few times over the weekend, they moved in yesterday. Didn't actually see them, just kept seeing 2 SUV's in the driveway with the doors open and lots of boxes inside.
So the way our bedroom is set up, is our bed faces away from that house and there's a high window over our headboard. When it's dark and that house's porch light goes on, the opposite wall we face from bed gets lit up- that light wakes me up, as I'm a very light sleeper. Our last set of neighbors never went in their back yard past 10pm, I guess I was spoiled.
12:30am- I go to sleep. Haven't gotten a good night's rest in 2 nights now, so I was really hoping to sleep well.
1am- I awake to Lili whining and looking out the other open window. I see the wall lit up and hear noise coming from the neighbor's yard, Lili obviously hears it too and it's driving her nuts. I get her to lay back down on her bed and patiently wait for the porch light to go off and for them to go back inside. (I wasn't too irked the first time- even though I don't putz around in our backyard after midnight, I understand staying up late.) Porch light goes off, I go back to sleep.
1:30am- Lili's going nuts again, porch light back on, they're back making noise in their back yard. I give up and close the open window, which sucks because the breeze helps me sleep. I try to wait it out again but I can even hear their goddamn noise through the closed window. I try to see what they're doing through the window over the bed- I can just see their outlines, but there's a lot of trees in the way so I have no clue what they're doing. It sounds like they're digging in deadpan dirt and not trying to be quiet. This time it goes on past 2am and I'm vastly irritated. Finally fall back asleep.
4:30am- Light back on, Lili can still hear stuff through the closed window. This time even J wakes up, (probably due to my expletive-laden rant I embark on) he can't see them either but hears the noise. I'm just fuming- what is SO important to do in your back yard that it MUST be done at 4:30 (and various other times in the same night)?? At this point I've been awaken so many times that I don't fall back alseep until the sky starts getting light.
6am- Lili usually sleeps the whole night and only wants out when we get up, but she's been wound up all night and won't stop whining and pacing, so J lets her out early. She then barks at the neighbor's yard for an hour or so- can't very well sleep through that.
All told, got no sleep last night, woke up feeling miserable this morning. I blame it all on them. Honestly, what could you be doing in your backyard off and on ALL damn night? Especially when you use a bright porch light that shines into my house and two other neighboring houses. If you're going to do speed or meth to the point you have to stay up all night and do something random, for fuck's sake DO IT INSIDE ya inconsiderate jerks.