001 (Rivelata)

Feb 26, 2008 15:11

Things...are progressing. Perhaps not as quickly as I might like, but they are moving forward nonetheless. The trick, I think, is to avoid the locals - they are not quite helpful in this situation. And Lucretia should prove a valuable asset - she appears to be acquainted with far more of the...how did that man put it? Ah, of course. "Expatriates". As good a description as any.

It is strange, though, how some of these people remind me so strongly of home. Lucretia is, in many ways, very similar to my mother. And Jin shares a number of personality traits with a certain ill-tempered demon I know.

I wonder if any of them will show up here. I'm not sure I want them to. It would be nice to see a familiar face, to be sure, but Yusuke and Kuwabara have ever been magnets for trouble, and the loss of powers would be irritating - in the worst sense - to Hiei.

They would all mock me, to be sure, for keeping a log like this. Yusuke and Kuwabara for the inherent "girliness" of it all, Hiei for the ease with which an enemy could gain access to my thoughts.

But in a world so unfamiliar, and another instance in which I must play my cards carefully, it is nice to have somewhere to simply be.
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