Sep 30, 2014 07:40
Odd dreams last night.
1. I was fighting in Crown tournament in the SCA. It was the second round and I had won my first fight. That is the opposite of what happened the last time I fought in that tourney. As people were drawing slots for the second round I was trying to not be seen. Somehow I figured I wasn't really supposed to be there.
2. I was kidnapped and forced to interview for a job as a preacher at a church. So was my dad... at the same church.
3. One of the SpecEd teachers here at this high school and I were carrying a nuclear warhead up some stairs. He and I had a good grip on its handles but we still needed some help. Two female teachers, or maybe students I'm not sure, tried to help us but they didn't have any clue about carrying heavy stuff as part of a group.