Ho-hum twiddle-dee, diddle on the fiddle and a twiggy fum ho snee!

Aug 09, 2005 20:11

Good gods I'm bored... No one's online and I kinda feel like talking for once. But then again... I don't, which is weird and confusing and I don't expect anyone to fully understand my random logic, so don't worry!

I think I'm gonna rant later on, or tomorrow, so you've been warned. It's one of my favourite things to rant about to my friends, but something I rarely talk about on LJ, so probably you all don't care, but it's okay!

I was making icons but then I stopped for some reason. I can't remember why. I was having fun doing that.

My mum bought walkie-talkie things the other day and we've only just gotten them working. For some reason it has this... nasty, high-pitched ring that scares the shit outta me whenever it goes off!! So, yeah... I have one up here and my sister has one down there and for some reason we're talking to each other and she's just compared my ass to a phone... which I don't get at all...

Oh good gods I'm bored... I wanna RP. I've just decided. Maybe at some point tonight I'll post to LD. It's been a fucking looooong while since I've done that. I could get one or two of the RPG's active again. Then again, it's a little lame if I start them up again and end up being the only one playing in them. There's always a time and a place to play with yourself, and RPG's ain't that time or that place!!!

OH!! I worked out how to make Icon tables! I figured it all out this morning! I spent the whole day fixing it and whatnot and... it's a little plain, but I like it and I'm kinda proud of myself for it! *poses* I mean, come on! ALL ON MY OWN!! I'm usually shit at that kinda stuff!! hehehe, okay, so I'll shut up about that now.

Hmmmmmmm... wanna call Wicked up and chat about nonsense. I wanna call Okaasan too but I'm not sure what's the best time to do that and I don't think I could stay up until 2am to see (2am is the usual time to call her, it's about 6-7pm over there at that time). I wanna call Ice too... I've not spoken to her for sooooo long! Actually, speaking of Ice, I'm pissed off at my YIM! It crashed on me AGAIN this morning! 11am on the dot! It took me 30 minuets to get it back up and running and by that time she'd gone and I didn't get a chance to apologise! So, if you read this sweetie, I'm really sorry!! I don't know why it keep's dying on me like that but it's starting to become a real pain!

Lord of the Rings is on TV. *snickers* That movie amuses in all the wrong places. I mean... those Hobbits are gay damnit!! Sam wants to hump Frodo something fierce! You can see it in his little beady eyes and the way he cops a feel when he thinks no one's looking!

I found these randomly and was terribly amused by them!! The guy who I stole these off got them a place called "www.godawful.net"... that is my next port of call!

Sirius stuck his cook in remus.
I can't find who wrote this:
Because apparently the butler wasn't enough.

(Mmm... cook...)

"If you're truly evil, people will know you're evil. You don't have to have an adjective for a name. If you're going to be called 'Grievous', you might as well just name yourself 'Baddy McEvilpants'."

(This KILLED me!! The funeral will be held tomorrow at noon... I expect flowers and presents for use when I'm reincarnated. Thank you.)

"I'm Aragorn, son of Arathorn, sometimes called Ary, sometimes called Ar. And there are also some who call me Tim."

(I like to call him Bob. Does that make me special?)

"You profane me with your lust!" Malik cried, shaking his fist at the refrigerator. "You, however," he said sexily to the blender, "Give me the jingles in my love kaleidoscope."

(This scares me no end. Never before have I heard it called a "love kaleidoscope"... just what was the author thinking when she (I assume it was a 'she' because it usually is) smoking when they wrote that??)

Cloud was staring at me. He set the bag and case on the ground as he rushed over to me. "Are you okay Vincent? You look pale."
Tune in next time to hear Cloud ask "Are you okay, Nanaki? You look furry.".

*just... dies*
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