Did a silly, silly thing today. I've been thinking about it off and on now for a little while and after seeing a post on an icon comm I decided... To hell with it! And before I could think of try and talk myself out of it, I applied to
iconfiend100 for Gundam Wing. Yeah, it was the only thing I could think of and... I don't do enough GW icons! But I do feel a little foolish now... How the HELL am I gonna make 100 icons?? It's impossible! I have a short attention span, I'll get fed up towards the end and that'd be stupid! *sighs* I'm just silly...
I have this weird twitchy pain in my left side. I dunno what it is, but it'd damn well annoying!!
Why am I wide awake now? All day I've been falling asleep, I even had to go to bed this afternoon and miss out on talking to Wicked because I felt really dizzy and sick. I got up at 6, still felt the same... and about 20 minuets ago I suddenly woke up! What gives?
Okay, so note to self: Tomorrow, make icons for
loveless_awards and make an appointment with the Doctor. It's check-up time again! And maybe try and beg mommy dear to buy my LJ account for me! I miss having a paid account.
Oh? Hey? Does anyone know how to make those tables to display icons?? And do you know how to make them work? I have the code for one somewhere but when I try and use it the comments box goes funny and it's really not pretty.
Anyway... I'm so bored it's not even funny any more!! *dies*
Career Inventory Test Results
Extroversion |||||||||||| 36% Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 53% Orderliness ||||||||||||||| 43% Altruism |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76% Inquisitiveness ||||||||| 30%
You are a Specialist, possible professions include - bookkeeper, clerical supervisor, dental assistant, physical therapist, mechanic, radiology technologist, surveyor, chef, forester, geologist, landscaper designer, crisis hotline operator, teacher
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