Obligatory HP Rant.

Jul 16, 2005 10:47

Aww, man! What I hate... what I REALLY hate... is when Fandoms go INSANE!!! Yes, we've all seen it happen, yes it is rather sad when it happens, and yes... I do want to go through LJ with a chainsaw and just destroy every post I see pertaining to that damned Harry Potter book.

So, okay... yeah, you like it, so they've brought out a new book. So it's the best thing since sliced cheese... I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS!! For the love of all things holy, please... quit it or tone it down? No posts with huge pictures and/or foot high font bitching about spoilers! I know people hate spoilers, but there's no need to go yelling at everyone about it! Just don't go near your friends page until you've read the bloody book!!! Or else... LJ-CUT PEOPLE!! It's your friend, it's easy to use... so please use it!

Then again, I know damn well that the people who are complaining about spoilers will be one of the first to write a full essay on the damn book once they've finished reading it so it's all a bunch of bull!

*sighs* For the record, no... I don't like Harry Potter, I don't understand the attraction. But for the sake of my friends I have actually read all the books so far and will be planning on reading this one when my sister gets her hands on it. But damnit, I don't want every other post I see one that goes on and on about how any spoilers they see will be met with a bitchslap.

hehehehe, then again... I did find some GREAT spoilers when I was messing around on LJ, and I want to share them all with you!!

* Dudley is actually a mutant house elf,
* Dumbledore's armpit hair is as long as his beard,
* Snape wears full stockings, suspenders and stilettos under his robe,
* Draco Malfoy is a girl,
* Hermione goes to elocution lessons to hide her strong cockney accent,
* Ron uses butterbeer on his face to aid his youthful complexion,
* Harry draws his scar on every morning just to freak people out and so he can get recognised and look smug in Diagon Alley,
* Voldemort is actually Harry's Grandmother.

Oh, these had me in hysterics!!
*crawls off to do something entertaining with string and some sticky-backed plastic*

rants, harry potter, dumb fandoms

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