I am alive! WHOO!

Jul 12, 2005 11:08

I've been a baaaaad Foxxie. I've not been on LJ much, 'sept to nose around now and again and stuff and I apologise because I am a BAD commenter! I need to be punished. Spanked!! Poked in painful places! Shot! Hung, drawn and quartered! Tarred and fathered! Painted pink!!! *shudders* Okay... I've just caused myself a week of nightmares with that last one...

Okay, so what's new in the world of Foxxie? Not bloody much, let me tell you. I went to see "War of the Worlds" on Wednesday and... that's a rant in progress, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

What an odd saying that is. How, exactly, do you peel your eye? And in doing so, wouldn't it make you incapable of seeing? And wouldn't it hurt? So, if you "kept your eyes peeled" and it means to "keep your eyes open" ... and you can't actually SEE because you've peeled the buggers back... then doesn't it not make sense? Do I make sense? I've been drinking cold tea, I think I've shorted something out in my brain!!

ANYHOO... I'm pissed off at our postal service! DA's been gone for... what, over two weeks now, and she's sent me two letters, one a week... I GOT THEM YESTERDAY!! What the hell is wrong with that?? Can't I trust these people to get me my letters and bring them to me ON TIME!! She must be thinking I've forgotten about her, or I'm not gonna send her a letter and that's not right!! I might suck at writing letters, but I'm bloody well gonna try and get one to her even if it kills me!

Hmm... I also have a parent/baby/injustice rant in the works too. My kid brother's girlfriend is having a kid and they're demanding that everyone buy the little thing a gift and when I said no my brother told me that he'd never bring the kid around to the house until I did and that's FUCKED UP!!! So... Foxxie isn't happy about that, but it's okay! I have a great gift for the kid! It's first cold! I'm such a caring aunt! *snickers*

Kii-kii-sama has made an RPG (hara_tsubasa_rp) that I... stupidly joined up and made characters for. Well, okay, so I didn't make them, I called them. We have, in order of importance:

braided_wonder_ The ever wonderful, amazing and sexy as sin, Duo Maxwell!!! hehehe, I'm rather proud of that name... for he is wonderful, and he does have that cool braid!!!

ayame_hebidoshi... Ayame Sohma people!! A guy... in a dress, with some damn fine hair on his head! I love that snake!! *huggles him*

watari_yutaka_ WATARI!!! The insane scientist with an urge to make a sex changing potion that... always seems to back-fire! Gotta love it!!

I need more Gundam Wing and Yami no Matsuei characters to show up!! I'm the only one playing characters from that anime at the moment and it's kinda... sad!!

HEY!!! *waves to her friends list* You guys should come join hara_tsubasa_rp too!!! It's for... yanno, anime and game characters, as well as your own characters! I've signed kage_tao and fail_wind up for it too and they're my very own creations!!! Y'all should join! It'll be all kinds of fun and stuff and... *falls over* Yup!!

I'm still trying to do that "100 Facts" meme thing about myself... and damn is it hard! It's been almost a month now and I can't break 50!! How lame is that?? Gonna ask Wicked later on to help me, she'll know some stuff!! She always seems to know me better than myself. Which... is kinda scary, but when I'm trying to do a meme like this it comes in useful!!

I have happy purring in my head. It's weird!!! I have this character, I adore him soooo much! His name's Loki and he's seriously happy right now and all I can hear is purring! Weird, I know, but don't forget, I am weird!! Example:

icehacker: Summer's a bitch, ain't it!?
fox_reed: Evil fucker.. Must... destroy!! *growls and shoots down the sun*
icehacker: *giggles*
fox_reed: *fomp* If only it was possible!
icehacker: Someday! Someday we shall block out the sun
fox_reed: Or some such thing....
icehacker: O.O

Hey? This post is just getting longer and longer and longer and longer and... is someone going to whack me over the head with a something-or-other yet? If not, why not??!

I should be making icons I think. I make the weirdest icons lately. It's Kii-kii-sama's fault! Because... I'm just gonna blame her because she's not here to hit me with a rock so it's safe! hehehe. Umm... okay, I think I'm gonna go and have a nap before Wicked comes online and then I get to bother her!! hehehe

My net's gone slow!!! *kicks it into oblivion*

characters, rpgs, rants, stuff!, weirdness

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