Torchwood&Doctor Who Top 10 (long fic rec list)

Sep 01, 2010 14:00

So in my recs on delicious and ffnet you can find a lot more then 10 TW/DW fics, but I decided to pick up 10 best. They have it all: plot, characterization, style and of course that torchwoody/doctorish feeling about them. Here they are:

Fic: Potentiality (Or: How I Learned To Loathe The Quantum Bomb) here | here
Author: Jewels bjewelled
TW. It’s Ianto-centric, but whole team is there too. Takes place in s1. Guess there is a reference to Dr. Strangelove somewhere in there. ~45,000.

Fic: For the Captain and Cardiff here | here
Author: blackhemlock
DW/TW. The Doctor meets Ianto Jones. S2 for TW and after s3 for DW. AU as in branching from canon. ~47 000.

Fic: tell rock n’ roll i’m alone again here
Author: paperclipbitch
TW. Team-fic, but from Owen pov. It's a love story, i think. Just like in the show itself everybody/everybody, bit the accent seems to be Owen/Ianto and Jack ex-boyfriends in general. Oh yes! Its band AU. ~17 000.

Fic: A Timelord and his Madman here | here
Author: Harold Saxon harold_sexon
DW. It's not a single fic, but an on-going series. The EPIC one. The Doctor (Ten) and Master (Simm) are... hm-m, guess that's what Ten was hoping for in EoT when he was all about "it will be my honour". ~180 000.

Fic: In Aminion here | here
Author: Meredith Bronwen Mallory garnettrees
TW with a dash of DW. WIP. COE fix it. Jack/Ianto. VAMPIRES. Scary, isn't it? And it's still awesome like you wouldn't believe. Note: about vampires, don't worry, there is no Twilight or Ann Ryce or True Blood. ~70 000

Fic: Lucky Number here
Author: Hope angstslashhope
TW. Jack/Gwen/Ianto. Timeloop are fun. Rating like whao, but totally worth it. ~18 000.

Fic: Ghost Story here | here
Author: mad_maudlin
TW/DW. AU. COE fix-it. One of the four stories I read in this fandom where Jack is a Time Lord. Not that it helps him much. Jack/OC/ianto. ~70 000

Fic: New Dawn Fades (series) here
Author: omphalos
DW. Post LotTL AU. D/M. Doctor gets to travel with the Master. I think everybody died in that story at least once. Loved Jack here. And Romana.

Fic: Chasing the Paradox here
DW. Post s-4. Doctor/Master. Again. It's a love story, more than anything on this list. ~75 000

And no, there is no #10. Not yet. Because I wan't you to tell me what you think desrves to be there. Anything goes: any pairing, era, genre. Two rules only: it has to be over 15,000 and be awesome. SO what do you think?

Fic: ???

Author: ???

So who wrote the most fantastic fic ever? Hm-m?

If some link doesn't work, tell me. It's just LJ really hates me last few days :)

top_10, fic, rec, doctor who, torchwood, rambling

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