This evening, on hard-cross-ball-fire-talk...

Jun 29, 2004 22:46

Political argument with my brother. Yes it's immature and inane, but I did oh so well, and I know some of you will find humor in this:

HammerOfReorx: see
HammerOfReorx: this is were i tell you
HammerOfReorx: to shut the fuck up
HammerOfReorx: if liberals had there way the America would fall
HammerOfReorx: so
HammerOfReorx: thats it
ShogoNegai: really? and you base this on...?
ShogoNegai: oh wait, i forgot, the same thing you base all your arguments on. nothing.
ShogoNegai: ^______________________________^ kekeke
HammerOfReorx: seriously
HammerOfReorx: you dont act like a faggot to mike bonzcar and bug him for being ultra conservative
ShogoNegai: cause mike bonczar isnt a jackass about it and doesnt push his views on everyone else
HammerOfReorx: neither do i fag fucker but the War in Iraq is a common subject these days (considering were fighting in it) so if some hippy liberal says "Oh its a War for Oil" im going to correct him
HammerOfReorx: wham
HammerOfReorx: bam
HammerOfReorx: thank you maam
HammerOfReorx: im done with this guy
ShogoNegai: yes dude, you do. whenever anyone expresses a view thats different from yours, you launch into a crusade about how wrong they are, and how right you are, and back it up with specious, irrelevant arguments and only proceed to make yourself look like a fool
HammerOfReorx: this is also wrong
ShogoNegai: besides, who said we were talking about the war in iraq?
ShogoNegai: way to go, you just proved my point
HammerOfReorx: when you argue you directly go against the person himself instead of attacking the issues like i do
ShogoNegai: actually, im not arguing against you
ShogoNegai: im pointing out flaws in your debate style
ShogoNegai: im not making character attacks
HammerOfReorx: i dont "Force My Views " on somebody unless they say something stupid about politics
HammerOfReorx: a very common subject in politics these days is the wat
HammerOfReorx: so its also a very common subject for liberals to complain about
HammerOfReorx: or if a liberal says. we should give 20 percent of all our money to the government im going to correct him for that
ShogoNegai: but you do. every single time someone talks about politics, it doesnt even have to be about the war, you launch into diatribes about how perfect and right your views are, and how wrong the other persons views are
HammerOfReorx: see your wrong about that
HammerOfReorx: i dont say my view are "perfect or right"
HammerOfReorx: i show them facts or occrances that back up my argument
ShogoNegai: you dont say it outright, you just imply it
HammerOfReorx: and i show them other facts that show them that they are wrong
HammerOfReorx: oh i imply it do i michael
ShogoNegai: yeah, except for the fact that when you argue you disregard any scientific argument unless the conclusion supports your existing belief
HammerOfReorx: everytime you tell me to go away you could be imlpying me to go run away forever
ShogoNegai: your ideology comes first and you look for anything to back it up, no matter how trivial, unreliable or discredited
HammerOfReorx: right now im implying you to go fuck yourself
HammerOfReorx: if you think someones implying something your making an assumption based on hints
ShogoNegai: you attempt to rationalize your beliefs and portray them as truth by twisting the facts
HammerOfReorx: common liberal misconception
ShogoNegai: and youre doing exactly what im talking about as we speak
ShogoNegai: and you just did it again
HammerOfReorx: the liberals often believe that if its not shown on their news stations it must not be true
ShogoNegai: err, the extreme left-wingers, yes
HammerOfReorx: no
HammerOfReorx: most liberals
ShogoNegai: theyre simply your countreparts, the opposit side of your coin
ShogoNegai: aaaaaaand you did it again
ShogoNegai: thank you, QED bitches, my point is proven
HammerOfReorx: ?
ShogoNegai: im done with this guy
HammerOfReorx: see michael
HammerOfReorx: you couldnt be more wrong
HammerOfReorx: i use the word liberal to refer to a group of people. these people happen to be left-wing. and all have common beliefs
HammerOfReorx: dumbass
HammerOfReorx: oh michael dont call me a conservative your making an assumption and your grouping me in a catagory
ShogoNegai: i dont call you conservatice
ShogoNegai: -c v
ShogoNegai: you do
HammerOfReorx: if we had it your way there would only be one catagory right ??
ShogoNegai: im using the label you so readily apply to yourself
HammerOfReorx: the proletarians?
HammerOfReorx: lol
HammerOfReorx: im jk
HammerOfReorx: that was a joke
HammerOfReorx: also mike
HammerOfReorx: you need to no that when i say "Napalm the phish concert" in the privacy of my own home i am making a joke
HammerOfReorx: also
HammerOfReorx: just because i am considering joining the military doesnt atomatically make me a conservatice
HammerOfReorx: ve
ShogoNegai: no, but you call yourself a conservative, lol
ShogoNegai: you parade it in the streets, loud and proud for everyone to hear
ShogoNegai: and if you say you dont, your a goddamn liar and you know it
HammerOfReorx: isnt it the same for liberals who are constantly complaining about the war
HammerOfReorx: or metal heads who constantly profess there love for metal
ShogoNegai: i dont follow
HammerOfReorx: or Otakus who constantly profess their love for anime
HammerOfReorx: if you have a passio
HammerOfReorx: n
HammerOfReorx: (one of mine is politics, or talking politics and all the subjects theirin)
HammerOfReorx: then your are going to incorporate your passion into your daily life
HammerOfReorx: like i do with metal
HammerOfReorx: or you do with video games
ShogoNegai: yes andrew. and its fine to have a passion. its fine to have an interest. theres nothing wrong with having conservative views. but the problem is, im pointing out what you consitantly do wrong, and are incorrect about
HammerOfReorx: i have said the same thing about you many times
ShogoNegai: again, i dont follow
ShogoNegai: youre proving point C of my argument: attempt to rationalize their beliefs and portray them as truth by twisting the facts
HammerOfReorx: havent you ever heard me complain when you call me out on something you do all the time
ShogoNegai: really? im consistantly one-sided, misinformed, and incorrect about my political views all the time?
HammerOfReorx: sometimes you are
ShogoNegai: thats funny, considering im about as moderate as they come
HammerOfReorx: thats funny considering most moderates agree with some liberal arguments and some conservative arguments, and you dont agree with any conservative arguments at all
ShogoNegai: no andrew, youre right, me and my friends all dress in ill-fitting black, sit outside starbucks discussing crappy poetry, how much we liked farenheit 9/11 and how wrong america is
HammerOfReorx: and you pull the typical "oh well we say the enemy. but .. whos the real enemy. its not that simple"
HammerOfReorx: and you dont understand that it is
ShogoNegai: you dont agree with any conservative arguments at all
HammerOfReorx: you dont
HammerOfReorx: name one that you agree with
HammerOfReorx: right now
ShogoNegai: that just proves you have no clue what my political beliefs are
HammerOfReorx: go
HammerOfReorx: name one
ShogoNegai: conservative views on welfare
ShogoNegai: and foreign policy
HammerOfReorx: you believe there should be no welfare?
ShogoNegai: and economic reform
ShogoNegai: not no welfare, but that welfare is in need of serious restructuring
HammerOfReorx: how can you disagree with the war in iraq and like the foreign policiy???
ShogoNegai: because the war in iraq isnt a part of our foreign policy
HammerOfReorx: our foreign policy right now to all nuetral or hotile countries is, you push we push back
ShogoNegai: it defies every aspect of the USs conventional foreign policy
HammerOfReorx: michael
HammerOfReorx: our foreign policy has alot to do with the war in iraq
ShogoNegai: no
HammerOfReorx: our policy not to negotiate with terrorist states
ShogoNegai: bushs foreign policy has a lot to do with the war in iraw
ShogoNegai: iraq*
HammerOfReorx: well michael
HammerOfReorx: bush is the president
ShogoNegai: yeah, too bad the country isnt controlled by the president
HammerOfReorx: and im sorry to inform you that the president is the head of the country
ShogoNegai: that we have those, what? other 2 branches of power
HammerOfReorx: yes he is
ShogoNegai: wow, way to ignore american history
HammerOfReorx: ooh and the president has the sole power to deploy our armies anywhere in the world right now
HammerOfReorx: for a limited period of time yes
ShogoNegai: now you're proving point B: your ideology comes first and you look for anything to back it up, no matter how trivial, unreliable or discredited
HammerOfReorx: id say that naming one of the powers of our commander in chief is neither rivial, unreliable or discredited
HammerOfReorx: trivial
HammerOfReorx: id say that is a well known fact
ShogoNegai: uh? what?
ShogoNegai: youre sidestepping the argument
HammerOfReorx: ?
HammerOfReorx: no im noy
HammerOfReorx: im proving you wrong
ShogoNegai: im saying your bringing that up as a fact is either trivial, unreliable or discredited
ShogoNegai: not the presidents powers
ShogoNegai: haha
HammerOfReorx: it is neither of those things
HammerOfReorx: dumbass
HammerOfReorx: dont laugh yet your about to get smoked
ShogoNegai: neither? youre the one who doesnt know how to use plurals
HammerOfReorx: you told me that the president wasnt the head of the country
ShogoNegai: theres three of those suckers there, not two
ShogoNegai: he isnt
ShogoNegai: he's the head of the executive branch of our country
HammerOfReorx: michael
ShogoNegai: do you even know what the executive branch does?
HammerOfReorx: i watched School House Rock
ShogoNegai: ...
HammerOfReorx: gonna have a three ring circus some day
HammerOfReorx: people will come
HammerOfReorx: from miles around
HammerOfReorx: lol
HammerOfReorx: im jk
HammerOfReorx: you can twist words as much as you want
ShogoNegai: welcome to my profile
ShogoNegai: im not the one twisting words, you are
HammerOfReorx: what do you mean
HammerOfReorx: welcome to my profile
HammerOfReorx: fuck you man
ShogoNegai: haha, cmon
ShogoNegai: its funny
HammerOfReorx: way to take it out of context
HammerOfReorx: now all your friends will say, hur hur andrew such a fat faggot
HammerOfReorx: thanks buddy
HammerOfReorx: back to the point
ShogoNegai: no they wont, andy, dont be like that
HammerOfReorx: he may not be the head but hes the leader
HammerOfReorx: michael
HammerOfReorx: War
HammerOfReorx: makes the world go round
ShogoNegai: ...
HammerOfReorx: nothing else matters except war
HammerOfReorx: so if the president has the power to make war, anywhere at anytime
HammerOfReorx: he effectivley rules the country
HammerOfReorx: the president
HammerOfReorx: right now
ShogoNegai: what?
ShogoNegai: that makes... no sense
ShogoNegai: really, so you think the president can write laws? and legislate them?
ShogoNegai: and you think the president can try criminals in court?
HammerOfReorx: legislation doesnt exist when your looking down the barrel of a gun
ShogoNegai: ...
ShogoNegai: except america... isnt...
HammerOfReorx: im saying he doesnt need to
ShogoNegai: andrew, i really suggest you stop, youre just proving my point a thousand times over
HammerOfReorx: ohw
HammerOfReorx: how
HammerOfReorx: tell me
HammerOfReorx: quite saying your right and prove it
HammerOfReorx: i just whooped your ass
HammerOfReorx: i know you want to stop before it gets too tough
HammerOfReorx: it all boils down to the fact that you want to put the country in the hands of the UN
ShogoNegai: oh my god
HammerOfReorx: now im in 2 peoples profile
ShogoNegai: thats a pretty big assumption you just jumped to
ShogoNegai: andrew, i really cant argue with you any more, youve taken all the sport out of it by doing my job for me
HammerOfReorx: HammerOfReorx: quite saying your right and prove it
ShogoNegai: ...
HammerOfReorx: scroll up if you want to see it again
HammerOfReorx: prove me wrond
ShogoNegai: i have proved it over and over again, but you selectively refuse to ignore my points
HammerOfReorx: wrong
HammerOfReorx: you havent
HammerOfReorx: youve just said oh your wrong
HammerOfReorx: without any proof whatsoever
ShogoNegai: no andrew. youre making another mistake
ShogoNegai: i havent been arguing about conservative ideology
ShogoNegai: ive been arguing about whats wrong with your ideology
HammerOfReorx: ??
HammerOfReorx: which is the
HammerOfReorx: conservative ideoligy
ShogoNegai: i havent pointed out whats wrong with bush's current stance on the war in iraq... but you take it as a personal argument.
HammerOfReorx: because michael
HammerOfReorx: as an american
HammerOfReorx: i feel its my duty to defend my country when someone attacks it
ShogoNegai: ...
HammerOfReorx: or her president
HammerOfReorx: or her presidents policys which i agree with
ShogoNegai: andrew, its unfortunate that you cant see that im far more patriotic than you
HammerOfReorx: ....................
ShogoNegai: i dont love bush andrew. i love america. you just love bush, and you love conservatives.
ShogoNegai: andrew, ive been arguing about whats wrong with YOU say, and youve helped me prove my point in dazzling colors. good fight. good night.

Andrew, if you have a problem, I suggest you get your own LiveJournal and express your opinions there, instead of hijacking mine. You're free to post in mine, under your own damn name. Carry on.
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