I’ll always be with you[Donghae’s side]

Nov 18, 2009 12:59

Title: I’ll always be with you[Donghae’s side]
Pairing: EunHae

Fandom: Super Junior
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst, Drama
Summary: Twisted end…and multi-chaptered. Really Sad T.T

please don't kill me T.T i know it's reaaly sad...but i'll write something happy afterwards

I’ll always be with you

-Donghae’s side-

*sight* ‘What is this feeling?’ Donghae thought as he walked thru gray stones and crying people with flowers. ‘I feel so…blank, so empty. Like…like…’ he didn’t understand. He was so confused. Things went to fast for him to process them. He sat on the bench thinking. Thinking about the past


‘Aish Donghae…don’t look at him’ he thought as he bit his lower lip forbidding him from looking at the dancer. ‘Just avoid him’ a thought came thru his mind as he tried to focus on his dance.


“Babo…you really thought that he’ll come. You’ve been avoiding him for like…2 week” Donghae said sighting as he watched the sunset. He’s been waiting for the dancer to come for almost 3 hours. He looked at the watch <7pm> “Ah” he sighted loudly. There was no point. He won’t come.

Then, suddenly the door opened and Eunhyuk entered.

Donghae’s face brightened as he saw his best friend walking slowly to him.

“Thank you” He said as he ran to him hugging him tightly like there was no tomorrow. He felt sorry for avoiding him. He wanted to stay like that forever. Close, without worries, without problems, just the 2 of them. He was afraid to face the reality…

Donghae felt his tears forming. He didn’t want to cry, but he couldn’t stand the fact that this was only a friendly hug, That he was only his best friend. He wanted more. He didn’t want to avoid him, he was just uncertain of his feelings. But now he knows for sure what those feelings are. Everyday he sees the dancer’s gummy smile, every time they hug or kiss for the sake of fan-service, he wants more of Eunhyuk. Not just the friend thing. More. Those feelings.

“What happened? Did I do or say something wrong?” Eunhyuk asked worried as he kissed away his tears.

Donghae stopped for a second and looked into that beautiful brown eyes. ‘I love you Hyukjae. I love you. And I can’t help myself to love you more every time you hug me when I’m sad or kiss my tears away. Teukie hyung asked why I love you so much. At that time I didn’t knew. Kangin just said because of your body. But it’s not. It's the way
that you make me feel. It's the way that you kiss me. It's the way that you make me fall in love.’ He thought as he started crying again, this time harder as he hugged the other closer, not letting go of him. He heard Eunhyuk sobbing softly. ‘He…he’s crying. Great. He’s suffering because I’m too chicken to tell him how I feel. Wae? Why can’t I have the guts to say it. What’s so hard? Wae, Donghae? Wae?’ He screamed at himself.

They stayed like that for hours. Just hugging each other trying to find a way of making things better.

“It’s ok, Hae. Please don’t cry and tell me what happened.” Eunhyuk said still with tears in his eyes.

“I..” Eunhyuk said looking into Donghae’s eyes.

He wept off Donghae’s tears before continuing

“I…really..” and paused again. Donghae sensed something was wrong. He knew something was going to happen. He felt curiosity and sadness taking him. But he also felt hurt of what the other might say. ‘What if…You aren’t going to love me back? Maybe I should just wait till you can return my feelings. Even though I know that as time accumulates it becomes pain. Even though I wanted to believe that that smile was just for me. It probably isn’t, right? But still. Just maybe…Maybe…’ he thought as he’s eyes grew bigger waiting for the other’s reply.

“I…love you, Hae” Eunhyuk said breaking the eye contact and trying to hide his blush. Donghae lifted his chin slowly searching for his gaze. Their eyes meet. He looked intensively in Eunhyuk’s eyes and smiled before moving his lips slowly till they were only few millimeters apart. He never felt so happy since his dad passed away. It was like his hopes weren’t useless. ‘Aish…he has such tasty lips I could kiss them every second’ Donghae thought smiling in the kiss. He wanted to stay like that forever. But they broke the kiss for the necessary air. He looked into Eunhyuk’s eyes smiling. ‘God how I love your famous gummy smile. Especially when it’s for me.’ Donghae thought as the other stole a kiss from him and they went back to the dorm.
End of Flashback.

‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…I’m really sorry. If only I wasn’t so selfish maybe…’ Donghae thought as he walked slowly to a stone.

“Are you happy there dad?” Donghae asked as he put down a flower still thinking about everything. He suddenly felt a strange pain in his chest.

“What’s this?! Aish…” He said laying on the grass. As unexpected as it came, the pain faded in few seconds. He remained in the grass trembling from the pain that hit him. “That was really strange” He said as he sat again on the bench. ‘How comes I felt that pain?’ He thought touching the spot where his heart was supposed to be

pairing: eunhae, drama, angst, super junior

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