Nov 23, 2003 22:30
Well, I'm sitting here, with nothing to do but freak out because I have a big test tomorrow in my Kinesiology class... where are the notes that I need to study? They are non-existent. I was away for one freaking day and thats what he decided to make our test on. This is for sure my fault, I'm not saying it isn't... he gave us plenty of notice and I should have gotten the notes from someone, but I kept putting it off, and now I am completely fucked! I don't know what to do, I can't phone anyone, it is too late in the night, and they wouldn't be able to dictate it to me all over the phone anyway. The best chance I have is trying to learn it all in the morning, and Kinese is my first period class!
Anyway, if I'm not at school in the morning, it's not because I skipped the test... it's because I've hanged myself.