
Feb 22, 2009 22:15

I was asked this question on twitter the other day: what podcasts do you listen to? I am a very avid spoken word person and it was the ability to use mp3 players as little repositories of essentially radio programmes was one of the things that really sold me on the technology. I still love them and, despite a general distaste (yes still) for itunes, one of the things that it does REALLY WELL are podcasts. So since getting my new ipod touch my already pretty long list of podcasts has, well, exploded. A lot of them are temporary - I listen to them for a few episodes and then get rid of them if they don't hold my interest- others are permanent features that I wouldn't dream of missing an episode. On my list currently:
    The Regulars:
  • Amateur Traveler (interviews with independant travelers about destinations far and near)
  • British Library Podcasts (talks surrounding their current exhibit)
  • The Candid Frame (interviews with contemporary photographers)
  • Crossing Continents (from the BBC, a longer feature on a topic of current events)
  • Tips from the Top Floor (digital photography Tips and Tricks)
  • The Film Programme (another BBC, pretty self explanatory)
  • From Our Own Correspondent (BBC, I prefer the Saturday edition)
  • Law in Action (BBC on current legal events and issues - required listening for my Legal Methods course)
  • LSE Public Lectures (podcasts of the various lectures at the LSE - I only listen to those that seem interesting)
  • Philosophy Bites (short explorations on various philosophical topics - a fab way to finally understand what R has been yammering about all these years)
  • Ramblings with Claire Balding (BBC a woman who goes on rambles and talks about it, very relaxing though sadly quite irregular in publication)
  • World Book Club (BBC interviews with authors)
  • Yoga Meditation and Contemplation from Swami J (another irregular one, but very insightful and interesting, even if I don't always agree with him)

    Others currently being auditioned:
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killter Tips & Lightroom for Digital Photographers - am thinking about buying Lightroom so this is a good way of exploring features
  • YogAmazing - pretty cheesy to be fair, but has provided some interesting ideas for my self-practice. Wish the guy weren't so annoying though)
  • Padmani Yoga Podcast - another one to get ideas for my self-practice
  • The Art of Photography - good for back to basics, but another rather annoying presenter who isn't really using the medium to the best of its ability. Still he's new, so we'll see where it goes. Chris M from Tips from the Top Floor has really spoiled me on well produced photography podcasts.
  • The Guardian Books Podcast - similar to World Book Club, but the authors are more obscure and the presenter seems more focused on his ideas rather than the authors.
  • LexisNexis International Law Center Podcast - another one that doesn't publish very regularly; last episode was October. May get removed if it doesn't update soon. Shame really.
  • Pandora Presents. . .the Musicology Show - really interesting, but again may be off for lack of updates. Great archive if you're interested in knowing more about music theory
  • Walks of a Lifetime - loved the name, but seems more geared for those going to the various cities, and since I travel with R, I'm highly unlikely to use these. Good for research on prospective places though.

Would love to hear what podcasts you guys listen to - am all ears!

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