The Plumber

Apr 04, 2006 08:07

Well, I had this whole wonderful post about our weekend, including my review of the play Russian National Mail, but last night's events have completely dwarfed that and I'm still angry. You see, I lost my temper with the plumber last night. It doesn't sound like much, but even after two glasses of wine, losing myself in a book for the rest of the evening and sleeping on it, I'm still angry and dreading dealing with the fall-out from it today. This is because he's actually hired through the management agency for our flat and I'm theoretically not able to just fire him (which I did).

What happened? Well, it was relatively simple. He was supposed to come last Thursday and got rescheduled for last night. I called him at 3:30 to make sure we were still in his diary for 7:00, and he swore up and down that he would absolutely call me by 6:30 if it looked like he wouldn't be here. . .guess what? He never called and at 7:45 I called him. We went back and forth with why he seemed unable to keep an appointment and then he said The Wrong Thing: Well, ma'am it's your obligation to work around my schedule. And I LOST IT. I don't remember everything I said, but I gave him a very heated lecture about what it means to be in the service industry and basically told him that I had no interest in his so-called service. And then left a message with the management company detailing my displeasure with instructions to call me back.

*sigh* I can't believe I lost my temper, and that's the crutch of it really, because I stand by every word that I said - it's the fact that I let my temper run away with me. It doesn't happen very often (in fact the last time was with the moving company from hell), fortunately, but since I'm not actually in a position to terminate his contract I'm going to have to deal with the fall out from the management company. They're probably going to want him to finish the job, but I now don't trust him in my home and can't see any incentive for me to continue organising my life around this idiot - not to mention he can't actually seem to fix the problem when he does show up. Oh well, we'll see what the management people say. I'm sure I'll have to eat some crow over this, but I will be standing firm that I want someone else.

again, I say *sigh*

On the upside, it looks like I'm being put back in touch with the micro-finance charity. They've had a personnel re-organisation (read - they fired someone, ironically enough the volunteer coordinator) and would very much like me to be involved again. *waves a little flag* So meeting with their new VC today, which I'm very much looking forward to. My role will still probably be pretty limited as they need the most help during business hours, but still, I'm glad to help however I can. Though my excitement is tainted by needing to actually cope with The Plumber Situation. Why can't people just do their jobs?

EDIT: 10:15am
Just spoke with the management people and they agree with me 100%, and will be finding someone else to do the job. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and the sun has started shining - seriously, there is sunlight streaming into the courtyard that my desk looks over. So yes, rest of the day will be busy - volunteer meeting, bookclub and, of course, work. Let me know if anyone is interested in what was thought of the play.

plumber, volunteering

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