Ok, this was weird...

Oct 18, 2005 03:27

I would like to start this entry off with this statment...
"Microsoft pisses me off XP @!$#$#%#$%&&^W$#!"

Ok, well, Windows XP decides to crash on me today...AGAIN! but this time it was bad. I was told i would have to format my computer. So after about 3 hours of trying to get it to work, i built up the courage to format. Now, i have alot of important things on my computer, such as fanficts, pictures, games and Games currently under developement.
But i said...what ever...lets just format the goddamned thing.

So i format it, and reinstall Windows XP and Windows XP service pack 2 and all this other crap. The computer was ready to got at 10:00 pm BC time. I am writing this at 3:32 AM BC time. 20 minutes ago, i was searching my computer, because the hardrive had only 10GB on it. Its a 40 GB Hard drive, and i thought " Holy Crap, Windows can't be THAT big"
I check the program files...and there they were...all of my data...all of my games...all of my music...EVERYTHING!
So now i'm in a really good mood, and kinda hyper, yet tired. I was a little mad, because most of my StarFox Pics, and zelda pics were gone, but hey, i got most of my stuff back. Maybe this was a miracle...maybe...

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