Jun 12, 2006 17:42
Here's some interesting news for you all;
for those who read my part on the car crash i had to feal with, it will pleases you to know i have heard from the woman who was involved in the crash, she's the woman with the moterbike.
My boss, or rather one of them, wel anyway, he knew the woman who had come iff her noterbike, and he'd spoken to her since the accident, she said she was eternally gratefull for everyones help, despite having several cracked ribs, a broken leg, and concussion, she's good. she was very gratefull, and i recieved a personal thank you from my bosses, woop!!
i felt good knowing she would be ok, its allways good to know that people will be ok, god i sound lame. hahaha ^_^ anyway, it was gd to hear from her.
EDIT: maths exam today! was actually ok, apart from the fact i only realised i needed to redo a few questions right at the end of it all, but what the hell, i changed it and i should be ok, huzzah! XD