Nov 04, 2005 16:53
I had the most amazing day yesturday and I want to rant about it, because days like that are worth remembering.
Night before = pizza + bed at half 1. Score.
The moment I woke up gave God a big thumbs up and grinned from ear to ear. I got up at 7 to be at a prayer breakfast by 7:15. I was tired and yawning. I found the best breakfast ever though! Get some toast, butter it, put apple slices on and sprinkle with brown sugar. Yum yum. Through the prayer afterwards I completly felt energised, the holy spirit was with me through the whole day!
It's great when it happens, you can't stop smiling, you're friendly with everyone enerywhere.
I went back and got so much work done without feeling overworked, but happy and productive. I talked to random people good at lunch, mentioning alpha a lot.
CAD was awesome, and I got an A* in my coursework and finished my second piece.
FES, the christian union I go to was awesome. I had a talk with Abbey afterwards and shared my views good. She is really on the same train of thought as me. hehe I inspired her.
It was amazingsplaz