yay (only when you smile but i'm sure i've seen you somewhere else)

Nov 29, 2005 18:09

Today, I accomplished stuff!

*beams at the flist*

1) I totally attended my classes. BOTH OF THEM. This is less impressive when you factor in that I have, um, two classes TTh, and no classes MWF, at the moment. (And the semester's only another week, so next week is my last Monday class forEVER- til grad school- and then it's only Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of FOREVER. Again til grad school.) But, um, I was really really close to blowing off film this morning. I ended up going, because I can get more homework done there than I can in my room. Which, um, shame! and stuff. Except really, I am not ashamed at all. Shh.

1a) And I did this ALL IN PAJAMAS. Um, going to class in pajamas always makes me feel very rebellious, even though freshman year I did it all the time, but I think this is the first time this year, because mostly I sleep in what I wore during the day on account of falling asleep.

1b) Does this accomplishment fall through if I skip tonight's film screening to watch "Sideways", which I have from the library and which has Sandra Oh being hot, and thus I need to watch, and/or "Glengarry Glen Ross", which same, but replace "Sandra Oh being hot" with "David Mamet"...? And if it does, does that mean it's more important to stick with my accomplishment or my Sandra Oh love? And why am I watching Sideways when my thesis is not even half done? BAD ME.

2) I ate! Two whole meals, breakfast and lunch. Which, shut up, is TOTALLY an accomplishment. Even though right now I am blowing off dinner because the idea of food makes me feel all icky.

3) I set up a meeting with my thesis advisor for tomorrow, which will TOTALLY force me to write at least three or four more pages tonight, which will bring me to 2/3 done, plus a few pages of notes. And then I seem accomplished, or something.

4) I have been listening to Rent over and over and over and over and over, and I am almost at the point where I can distinguish OBC from movie instantly. But not quite. I guess I have to listen more. And more. And MORE.

(Side note: I have decided that part of the reason Rent fic does not work for me is that people never use songs for it. And if they do, they're always, like, angsty emo bands from today, when, hi, EARLY NINETIES AT LATEST, and also, if something is good enough to be on the radio? Hi, it's too good for Roger to have written. Essentially, I need the fangirls to write their own dman bad songs. And then that will be almost as bad as Roger's music. Also, if you are planning on writing porn, you probably want to remember that Collins, Angel, Mimi, and Roger ARE DYING OF AIDS and thus unprotected sex with, say, Mark? IS A BAD THING. Ahem. Where was I? Right, lists.)

5) I ran into one of my writing profs from semesters past, who is on leave, and talked to her and totally did not sound stupid about my kidlit thing this time, I think. I mean, like, I feel like I'm really actually starting to sound less defensive about wanting to write YA and starting to sound more, you know, competent and confident and other positive C words.

5a) Also awesome was the poem we read in poetry today, which said the word "cunt" frequently, which I got to read aloud. Um, go me! What is it with me and "cunt" in class? This is twice. Or maybe thrice. AND ALL WITH THE SAME PROF. Hee. I bet he's going to think I curse a lot, or something. Fuckin' A, man.

6) I did my homework for poetry, even though it is not due for another 15 hours. If you're me, this is WICKED impressive.

7) Traditional TTh phone calls with mimesere, plus phone with jennyo. Which is totally like having a social life. AND like having a cell phone that rings. Both of which, YAY!

8) I started planning A Cristina Carol, fic where A Christmas Carol is written about, you know, Cristina from Grey's. I should really not start this, because I need to write pearl_o's birthday fic (Hey, I know I suck about birthdays this year? But this one's from LAST YEAR. And still not done. I win!), and also Yuletide, and also Secret Slasha (I signed up all official-like today! Have you?), and I should go sign up for Serenity Santa probably, and maybe the Grey's Anatomy one, except that that one leaves me cold and dead inside.

8a) Did you know that people like McDreamy? Like, real people. Actual human people. People with souls. I mean, I don't know. They might not have souls. They might be cyborgs, or part of the Matrix (hey, shinymonkey, mind or body?), or some other fucking thing, but that doesn't excuse them from liking McDreamy. I can understand liking Meredith- I liked her Sunday (if I say it enough it'll stop being upsetting!)- but liking McDreamy and hating Addison? THAT SHIT IS NOT RIGHT. I am choosing to believe they are plants from the network, who think that if there's Meredith/McDreamy fic then people will believe it's cool to like McDreamy or some shit.

8b) Did you know that people call McDreamy by his, like, real name? First and/or last? That shit is EVEN LESS RIGHT.

9) I haven't rewatched Grey's. Which, um, is impressive, because I need to. But Grey's is on the list of Reward Things. Along with...

10) HI I GOT THE MEG CABOT PACKAGE. And, okay, now I have Princess Diaries SEVEN. Seven is THE NUMBER AFTER SIX. Seven DOESN'T COME OUT TIL MARCH. Do you know why I have this? Because MEG CABOT IS AWESOME. And, you know, I understand that the use of excessive caps lock irritates some people? But that would mean this would have to be EXCESSIVE, and THIS IS SO VERY FAR FROM EXCESSIVE. Because I not only have PRINCESS DIARIES SEVEN, I also have AVALON HIGH and SIZE TWELVE IS NOT FAT. Do you know what this means? This means that MEG CABOT IS AWESOME.

This also means I am so full of squee that I can barely articulate WORDS.

So I have four finals. And three BRAND NEW MEG CABOT books. But one final is reasonably small- just handing in a portfolio of stuff we've already done. So it is right and good and fair that for every final I hand in, I get to read a brand new Meg Cabot book. AND THEY'RE ALL MINE AND NO ONE CAN TOUCH THEM MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE.

(a4yroldfaerie, I'll do PD7 first so you can borrow when I'm done, okay?)

Of course, the day after I hand in my English thesis, I should really start working hard on my writing thesis. But it's YOUNG ADULT LIT. And Mia is totally gifted. That makes it research.

lit: meg cabot, tv: grey's anatomy

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